What is the difference between a coffin and a casket?

In Australia, coffin usually means a container for the deceased that is similar in body shape to human dimensions: it will be broader at the shoulders and narrower at the feet. Caskets are rectangular in shape and made from various materials including Solid Wood, Wicker or Steel. The top of a casket is normally on… Continue reading What is the difference between a coffin and a casket?

Do I have to register the death before arranging a funeral?

No. Your Morleys Funeral’s arranger will coordinate the registration of the death for you. Once you’ve called Morleys you will be given all the information and advice you need to make the funeral a fitting farewell for the deceased as well as matching the service to your cultural, emotional and financial needs.

How do I get a Death Certificate?

These are issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in your state. Usually a funeral director such as Morleys is responsible for registering the death with this Registry within 7 days of the burial or cremation. Once the death is registered, Births, Deaths and Marriages provide a formal Death Certificate, which is often… Continue reading How do I get a Death Certificate?

Who should I notify?

After the Doctor and Funeral Director, there are always the family and friends of the deceased to notify. There are others who also need to know, though not necessarily straight away. This list might be of help in taking care of this important detail: The Executor nominated by the deceased Centrelink Department of Veteran’s Affairs… Continue reading Who should I notify?

We have never been a religious family – do we need to have a priest to take the ceremony?

No, there is no requirement to hold a religious funeral service and there are a number of alternatives. You could use a celebrant or perhaps a relative or trusted friend could lead the service if they feel able to do so. Other attendees on the day can speak or read verses or poems if you… Continue reading We have never been a religious family – do we need to have a priest to take the ceremony?

Do I have to sign anything?

Yes. Documents to sign may include a Death Registration form, Cremation or Burial forms, Memorandum and Agreement, Next of Kin form and a Hospital Release form.

Is cremation cheaper than a burial funeral?

Yes, a cremation is usually cheaper than a burial.

How much does a funeral service cost?

Funeral Service prices can vary a great deal. A typical burial or cremation can cost somewhere between $7000 and $10000.