Who should I notify?
Sep 20, 2024
After the Doctor and Funeral Director, there are always the family and friends of the deceased to notify. There are others who also need to know, though not necessarily straight away. This list might be of help in taking care of this important detail:
- The Executor nominated by the deceased
- Centrelink
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs
- Superannuation companies
- Solicitor and/or public trustee
- Accountant
- Banks, building societies, credit unions, financial institutions, credit card providers and loan companies
- Employer/former employer
- Trade unions or professional associations
- Australian Tax Office, Australian Electoral Office, Medicare
- Insurance companies including life, accident, home and contents, vehicle
- Friendly Societies
- Doctor, dentist, specialists, hospitals, chemist, health benefits fund
- Main roads – car registration
- Clubs, organisations and associations
- Church or religious organisation
- Household help, gardening services or Meals on Wheels
- Home nursing service
- Home delivery services – e.g. newspapers and milk
- Home appliance rental, medical aids rental company
- Post Office for mail delivery
- Local Government for Rates, fire levy, etc.
- Ambulance Service
- Telephone company, electricity company
- School or college
- Companies – e.g. for directorships
- Chamber of Commerce
- Service organisations – e.g. Rotary, Lions, Apex, Red Cross
- Blood bank