Can I Get My Money Out of a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan?

No. You cannot withdraw from a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan prior to death, nor can it be used in any way other than to pay for your funeral expenses. If you are not completely satisfied with your Pre-Paid Funeral Plan, your investment can be cancelled and your money refunded in full within 30 days of receipt… Continue reading Can I Get My Money Out of a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan?

What Happens if the Funeral Director I Choose Goes Out of Business?

The money you pay for your Pre-Paid Funeral Plan is held by an independent entity and therefore is completely protected. It is invested in a separate fund in your name. It is not accessible by your Funeral Director until your funeral service has been provided. In the unlikely event that your original Funeral Director is… Continue reading What Happens if the Funeral Director I Choose Goes Out of Business?

What Happens if Death Occurs Interstate or Overseas?

Morleys should be notified immediately. They should be able to arrange for the transport of the deceased and attend to any statutory or customs requirements. In these circumstances there is usually an additional fee for the transportation of the deceased. Should the death and funeral occur overseas or interstate, the funds in the Pre-Paid Funeral… Continue reading What Happens if Death Occurs Interstate or Overseas?

What if I Move Interstate?

If you move interstate you can rearrange your Pre-Paid Funeral Plan accordingly. Your Funeral Director will be able to assist you with the transferring of your Plan to another Funeral Director. However, prices cannot necessarily be guaranteed on a transfer, as there are price differences between many country and city areas. The funds are required… Continue reading What if I Move Interstate?

If I Pay For My Funeral Now, Who Keeps the Money?

With all of Morleys Funerals plans, the money you pay for your Funeral Bond or Pre-Paid Funeral Plan is held secure by an independent entity such as a friendly society and is properly invested and safeguarded until such time as the funeral services are required. Only then will the funds be released to the Funeral… Continue reading If I Pay For My Funeral Now, Who Keeps the Money?

What Does a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan Include?

A Pre-Paid Funeral Plan is designed to reflect your wishes and therefore can include whatever you wish, however, some options to consider include: the type and style of funeral service preparation of the body and viewing arrangements burial or cremation the specific cemetery or crematorium type of coffin or casket Minister or Celebrant memorial book… Continue reading What Does a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan Include?

What is a Pre-Paid Funeral?

Also called a ‘Fixed Price Funeral’, a ‘Pre-Paid Funeral’ is a funeral purchased in advance. The type and style of funeral the client wants is documented in a written contract and paid for at today’s prices. Subject to any specific terms of a Pre-Paid Funeral contract (e.g. if Government taxes are subsequently imposed or increased),… Continue reading What is a Pre-Paid Funeral?

What is a Funeral Bond?

A Funeral Bond is like a savings plan where money is set aside for the funeral. The money accumulates interest and is usually started with an amount between $1000.00 and $12,000.00. It is also possible to set up a direct debit from your nominated bank account or simply add to the bond occasionally at Morleys… Continue reading What is a Funeral Bond?